Employment Contracts & Non-Compete Agreements in Jacksonville
Jacksonville Lawyer for Employment Contracts
The terms and conditions of an initial employment contract set the stage for the entire employment relationship. This agreement may be the only opportunity for a professional or executive to negotiate certain provisions. When considering the employment contracts and agreements, significant attention must be given to negotiating the best compensation and benefit package possible.
The language of non-monetary provisions can be equally important. For example, determining how and when the agreement terminates and remedies for a breach of the agreement can be the difference between a solid contract that provides long-term security and one that may be less than sufficient.
Employment agreements are typically offered by the employer and therefore are usually drafted with the intention of protecting the employer, not the employee. As a result, the employee is left unrepresented and placed at a distinct disadvantage.
Larger businesses and companies will retain attorneys in the drafting of the contract to ensure that the terms are in the best interest of the employer. The Jacksonville employment lawyer at the Law Office of Shands M. Wulbern, P.A. can take action to ensure that your rights are protected prior to signing an employment agreement.
Non-Compete Agreements
Non-compete agreements are also referred to as covenants not to compete. Such agreements have become increasingly popular throughout numerous professions and industries, particularly in medical, sales, and technology fields. Non-compete agreements should not be taken lightly and should be reviewed by an attorney. Often, provisions within non-compete agreements attempt to create unfair restraints on trade and are drafted in a manner that is unreasonably broad in scope.
Non-compete agreements are also often accompanied by non-solicitation, confidentiality, and trade secret agreements that may result in a disadvantage to the employee. Accordingly, great care should be taken when entering into an employment agreement whether as part of initial employment or when presented as a requirement for continued employment. You should consider retaining legal assistance if you are approached with a proposed non-compete agreement.
Speak with an Attorney About Your Employment Contract
Are you faced with an employment or non-compete agreement that has the potential to jeopardize your career? Prior to signing, the agreement should be closely scrutinized by a competent lawyer. Many businesses will attempt to enforce invalid provisions and unreasonably broad or vague agreements through intimidation. In a similar manner, employees may have valid claims against their employers due to a breach in terms of the employment agreement, waiver, oppressiveness, absence of a legitimate business interest, or employer misconduct.
The breach of an employment contract by the employer may warrant swift and aggressive action to protect your career and financial interests. As a result, it is imperative that you are aware of your legal rights at all stages regarding such agreements from the initial execution to the time of its termination or potential breach.
If you are in need of a thorough legal analysis of an offered employment agreement, threatened enforcement, or breach of an employment agreement, contact the firm by calling (904) 638-9943 today!